Artist Mark Knopfler
Venue The Hurlingham Club, London, UK
Date 9th September 2009
Source Soundboard
Format 1DVD+R
  1. Sailing to Philadelphia
  2. Mark talking
  3. Sultans of swing (excerpt)
  4. Mark talking
  5. Romeo and Juliet (excerpt)
  6. Mark talking
  7. Get lucky
  8. Why worry
  9. Money for nothing (excerpt)
  10. Mark talking
  11. Monteleone
  12. Song for Sonny Liston
  13. Mark talking
  14. If this is goodbye
  15. Wild theme (audience recording)
  16. Brothers in arms
DVD menu     
DVD impression               






Additional comments DVD-video containing a TV broadcast from the Bio Channel, broadcast date 14th October 2009. Mark Knopfler and band (Guy Fletcher, Danny Cummings, Dudley Phillips, Luke Brighty and John McCusker) performed a charity show in London on behalf of the Prince's Trust at The Hurlingham Club on 9th September 2009. Great recording including some interesting talking of Mark Knopfler in between the tracks. Great to see Mark kissing his National after Romeo and Juliet. Some songs were just partly played; Sultans of swing, Romeo and Juliet and Money for nothing. The TV broadcast did not feature Wild theme, this song is added to this DVD as an audience recording. True love will never fade was also played at the concert, but unfortunately not broadcasted. Very good picture and sound quality!