Artist Mark Knopfler
Venue Syndicate radio, USA
Date 18th October 2000
Source Soundboard
Format 1CD-R
  1. Interview
  2. Interview - talking about Buddy Holly
  3. Interview - talking about Learning the Game
  4. Interview - talking about the success in 1985/6
  5. Baloney again (live)
  6. Interview - talking about where the songs come from
  7. Interview
  8. Callers asking questions over the phone to Mark Knopfler
  9. Interview
  10. Mark playing Romeo and Juliet and singing the first part of the song
  11. Interview & closure of the show
Additional comments

This is a radio show that Mark Knopfler did to promote his new album Sailing to Philadelphia in the USA. This is absolutely the funniest interview from 2000 I have heard so far. The guys who present the show, Mark and Brian, are certainly having a good time. Highlight of this program is track #10 where Mark plays Romeo & Juliet on acoustic guitar and this time also singing the first part of the song, really great. At the end of the show where Mark and Brian thank Mark Knopfler for being there, Mark says: "It's nice to see two grown man having such fun." That says enough about the content of the show! Good sound, but some buzzes here and there.