Artist Mark Knopfler
Venue Festsaal Messe, Basel, Switzerland
Date 12th November 2007
Source Soundboard
Format 1CD-R
  1. Donegan's gone
  2. Song for Sonny Liston
  3. Rüdiger
  4. Let it all go
  5. The fizzy and the still
  6. rue love will never fade
  7. Done with Bonaparte
  8. Brothers in arms
Additional comments This is a live recording of the fifth showcase that Mark Knopfler did to promote his new album Kill to get Crimson. After Berlin, Madrid, Amsterdam, and London, the AVO Session Basel has the honour of being his host festival. The tickets were not sold, but could only be won in contests on TV, the internet and on several radio stations. On 13th November, Swiss radio channel DRS3 broadcasted most of this special showcase as part of their live report from the festival. Postcards from Paraguay and Our Shangri-La were played during the concert, but unfortunately not broadcasted. There is also a complete soundboard version available, see: Basel Showcase 2007 - complete version.